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Multilevel Drop Down Menu
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

An advanced DHTML-menu. You can not only create an ordinary multilevel menu but put in it images with descriptions and many parameters too. This one is ideal for shopping. Great!


Flying By Cyrcle Menu
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This menu consists of links flying by the cyrcle. While moving cursor over link description appears in the center


Customizable Drop Down Menu
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Customizable drop down DHTML menu


Navigation By Radio Buttons
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

The destination file title, a description, and URL appear in a text area when a radio button is choosen


Drop List (Auto Link)
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

The advantage of this dropdown list to choose URLs is that there is no need for a submit button, as you can see.


Rollover Slide Menu
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

One more rollover menu. Moving mouse over the main menu opens taken up menus. Looks very smart and comfortable for use. Just try it yourself.


Extensive Menu
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

The most usefull this menu seems to be for projects with a large amount of all kind of information to represent, e.g newspapers. Enjoy!


Layers Menu
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Build menu baced on layers. The appropriate submenu displays depending on moving mouse on top of main menu.


Floating Menu
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Build floating menu which slide down when you scroll the page so it is always in front of your eyes. It's very convenient.


JavaScript Drop Down Menu 101
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Finally DropDown Menu that you can use with ease. This script is brilliant with its simplicity. While most of the code is HTML you have great flexibility and ability to change it as you see fit. This script will work in Netscape and IE... Enjoy!


Scrollable Slide Show
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Have you ever seen those smooth flash looking scrollable slide shows? Well this one is just as smooth and its 100% Java Script. You can insert this anywhere you want. The layout is absolutely modifiable and you can add as many items in the scroll as you want... Enjoy


Thumbnail Navigator
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Allows the visitor to easily browse with Previous and Next through several thumbnail images (all of which are preloaded so they show up instantly). Then they can click the Go button to be taken to the selected thumbnail's full size image.


Random Page
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

An easy way to instantly send the visitor to a random HTML page. Just enter the random pages you want to use, and you're done!


Quick Jump
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Similar to the location box in your browsers, just enter a complete web site address (starting with http://) in the box and click enter to jump to that site! Short script - only three lines of code!


Quick Keys
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

The easiest website navigation yet requires nothing more than touching letters on your keyboard. Just touch a letter that has been defined as a QuickKey and you are sent to that key's pre-defined page. It's easy to add as many QuickKeys as you want and surely will amaze your visitors! Awesome!


Pulldown Menu (Popup)
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

After the user selects an option in the pulldown menu, the new page opens in a new window! This is useful when linking to sites not within your site when you do not want the user to leave your site. Your site will remain open in the other window so the visitor can come back to it when the are finished with the popup page. You can even control the size of the popup window, whether it has scrollbars, menubars, toolbars, etc.


Pulldown Menu (Description)
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If you have plenty of space on you webpage or just would like to use a more comprehensive menu list, then this script might suit you nicely. This script works very well and is also very visually appealing.


Pulldown Menu (Automatic in Frames)
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Here's the Automatic Pulldown menu, but in Frames! Have the link open in a different frame of your site! Neat!


Pulldown Menu (Automatic)
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

This Javascript will display an ordinary-looking menu . Once a link is selected, the visitor is automatically taken to the website without hitting 'Go!' or anything.


Pulldown Menu (in Frames)
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If you would like to use a pulldown menu, but would like to do so in frames, this is the script for you. One frame will contain the pulldown menu and the selections will be opened in the other frames!


Pulldown Menu
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

You can make it easier on our visitors to find their way around your site. I highly suggest using the extremely popular and extremely useful menu list. It seems every good site has one.... So, put one on your site!


Portable Menu
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

On your site, it's often useful to have a navigation menu for visitors to help them get around on your site. This navigation menu, however, is different. As the visitor scrolls up and down your site, the menu moves up and down with them! It's a portable menu! (The only concern when adding this to your site is to make sure you move the regular content on your site over enough that the portable menu won't cover it) Great!


Popup Page
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

JavaScript can open another window a specified number of seconds after the first page finishes loading. This popup page can function as an advertising window, some tips on navigating your site, what's new, and lots more. Nice!


New Window
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Do you have a link that you'd rather have open in a new window? This little script will do just that! You can even use a button or a text link to open the new window! Check out the example and see what you think!


Must Visit Sponsor
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Requires the visitor to click your sponsor's banner or link before being able to enter your site. After clicking the banner or link text, the advertiser's page will open in a new window, and your web page loads in the original window, which is behind the ad window.


Month Page
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If you maintain separate pages for each month, this script can redirect the user to the correct page automatically! The script determines the current month and sends them to the correct page. Neat!


Menu Scroll
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Use this amazing layers script to actually 'scroll' a series of menu items onto your page. Wow!


Load Two Frames
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Open two different pages into two separate pages when the user clicks on one link! The frameset code can even be customized to fit with your site's design. Great!


Links List
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Pops up a new page with all the links that are available on the current page. Useful if you want to show the visitor a quick summary of all the links you offer, or to help them jump to the next page quickly!


Link Delay Image
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

After your visitors click a link, you can make the browser delay as many seconds as you want before they are actually sent to that page. Why not use that time to display an animated image about the page they are going to? Eye-catching!


Link Wheel
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

This neat little JavaScript will flip through all the different sites that you include, along with a description of that site. When the visitor clicks the button, they are taken to that site! Very cool!


Hard Drive Browser
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

This script provides quick access to your entire hard drive, including A, B, C, D, and E drives (the ones you have, at least). Short code too!


Fullscreen Window
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Opens a fullsize window the size of the user's screen. You can turn off the toolbars, menubars, scrollbars, etc. Cool!


FTP Server Login
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Just enter your username, password, and FTP server's address and JavaScript can login into the server for you!


Frame Navigation
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If your site is in frames, you'll love this neat script. You can create a button in one frame and have it change the location of the other frame! Awesome!


Floating Menu
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

JavaScript can power a floating menu, that actually can 'float' a navigation bar menu to anywhere on the page, with the click of a mouse! Amazing!


Fading Rollover
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Uses OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut events with a series of images to create a fade effect. Recently re-written to be more efficient and cross-browser compatible with Netscape and Internet Explorer. Stunning!


Exit Window
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

When a visitor leaves your page, JavaScript can automatically open a new window. Use it to say "thanks for visiting", etc. Very neat! Check it out!


Directory Info
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Do you archive your website's contents into separate directories? If so, you'll love this script! It will print out a neat linked directory information for any page on your site! Very neat!


Dynamic Links
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Dynamically change the link address for a hyperlink based on their entry in the pulldown menu. Send to different email addresses or URLs, wow!


Day of Month Redirection
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Or maybe you have a separate page for each day of the month. This script will detect what day of the month it is (1 <-> 31) and sends the user to [day of month].html (i.e. 1.html, 2.html, etc.)


Day of Week Redirection
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If you would like to redirect your visitor to a different page for each day of the week, this script would be perfect. It will first detect what day of the week it is and then forward the visitor to the appropriate page. I also might mention that this is a perfect JavaScript example to learn from even if you don't use it. Just look at it!


Customized Popup
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Allow your visitors to have a popup page on your site appear exactly as they want! They can customize the width, height, and placement of a popup window on your site before the window is opened.


Cursor Link
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Forget actually clicking on links anymore, if you put your cursor over them, you go there! (with this JavaScript at least) If you use this script, please remember that it can be annoying, even a pain for them to have to come back if they really didn't want to follow the link. With that said, go check out the code!


Close Window
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If you have JavaScript open a new window, it's a piece of cake to close it after a certain number of seconds of being open. Just enter in the time in milliseconds (i.e. 5000 = 5 secs) and it your window will close after the appropriate number of seconds.


Change 2 Frames
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If your site has more than two frames, you can even select which two frames to load into. Make different links load into different frames!


Age Redirection
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Occassionally, your web site might need to redirect minors away from adult content. This script is a VERY simple preliminary age check. Those underage are then forwarded to


Drop down menu
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This is a cross-browser menu script that allows you to pack into it rich HTML links.


Contractible Headers Script
Compatibility: IE4+

A script that makes selected headers in a page contractible. Contents such as text, graphics, tables etc can be hidden inside the header that will be revealed only when the header is clicked on. All other browsers, including NS 4.x, will simply see the headers uncontracted (degrades well)


Smart Folding Menu Tree Script
Compatibility: IE4+

A folding menu tree that contains links and sublinks. Click on the folder icon to expand it. Browsers apart from IE 4.x will see the tree fully expanded (degrades well). The menu supports arbitrary nesting of sub-lists, and uses session cookies to give it persistance. In the past, whenever you opened a folder and clicked a link inside, when you returned, the folder reverts back to its initial, closed state. What a waste of time of having to reopen the folder(s) each time you return to view the links inside. Using cookies, this "smart" folder script will actually remember the state of the folder tree when you navigate to another page, so when you come back, it will look just the way you had remembered it to be. If you can't appreciate this feature, you can bet your surfers will! Note: This persistance feature is only visible in, obviously, cookie enabled IE 4 browsers. Demo: (try opening folders, navigate away, and return...the folders will still be open!)


Context menu Script
Compatibility: IE5+

With IE 5, for the first time, you can now add a context menu to your webpage. What's a context menu? Well, it's a custom menu that pops up in place of the default context menu when you right click your mouse. This custom menu can do virtually anything you want it to do, although in this script, it's designed to go to a set of URLs. Demo: Right click anywhere inside this document if you're using IE 5!


Slide-In Menu Bar IV (External menu file)
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This script is exactly identical to the original slide-in menu bar, except that the menu itself is an external HTML file! This allows you to configure the menu simply by editing the external file, through HTML. Demo: Move your mouse over the menu on your left!


Slide-In Menu Bar III (Manually controlled) l
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

A manually controlled menu bar. Drag the bar to expand or contract it. Browsers other than NS 4+ and IE 4+ will simply see nothing.


Slide-In Menu Bar II (keyboard controlled)
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

A keyboard-controlled menu bar that slides open/contracts with the press of a key. "x" is the key that will expand the menu, whereas "z" is the key that contracts it. Browsers other than NS 4+ and IE 4+ will simply see nothing. Demo: (Press "x" to expand the menu, "z" to contract it)


Slide-In Menu Bar I
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

A cool menu bar that automatically slides open from the left edge of the screen as the surfer moves the mouse over it. Moving the mouse out will cause it the bar to slide back in. Browsers other than NS 4+ and IE 4+ will simply see nothing.


Static Menu script
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This is a cross-browser menu that stays static on the left hand corner of your screen, even as the surfer scrolls. The menu is constructed using on ONE large image that's positioned statically, with the links inside being image maps.


Static Top Menu Bar v1.1
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Description: This script uses several features of DHTML to create what you see on the top of your browser screen- a static, two-level menu bar. The script is cross browser (works in BOTH IE 4+ and NS 4+), although the added feature of statically positioning the menu constantly on the top of the screen only works in IE 4+.


Microsoft Outlook Bar
Compatibility: IE4+

This is a smashing DHTML navigation bar that resembles the OutLook bar of Internet Explorer. Fittingly enough, it only works in IE 4+ as well!


Pop-up v2.2
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This is an ultra cool pop up menu script that supports submenus, and works in BOTH IE 4+ and NS 4+. The script comes with an accompanying DHTML program that you use again and again to painlessly create and customize these pop ups. Version 2.2 includes an important NS bug fix, along with styling enhancements.


onMouseOver Nav Bar
Compatibility: IE4+, NS3+

Viewing this navigation bar effect, you will not believe how simply it works. It uses only one function. Rest is ordinary HTML. Extremly easy to set up.


Rollovers In Any Way
Compatibility: IE4+, NS3+

Creats image rollovers any way you like.


Sticky Menu Bar
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Whether you scroll up or down, this Menu Bar sticks to you like a mosquito in a hot night. Very impressive.


Morten's JavaScript Tree Menu
Compatibility: IE4+, NS3+

JavaScript tree menu. Gives visitors a Windows Explorer-like view of links on your site. Tracks current document & scrolls automagically. Easily customizable and highly compatible with non-JavaScript browsers.


Movable Menu
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Drag and drop your Nav Bar wherever you want to. Handy. Simple. Great.


4 Page
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Open any four web pages at the same time on one screen


Horizontal Menu Bar
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Open a horizontal style menu bar on mouseover Uploaded: May 17 1999


Nav Bar Expander
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Navigation Bar System with stunning stretching/shrinking effect. Great to impress your visitors. Made for small-is-beautiful-lover. Easy to set up.


Multiple Option redirect script
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This script checks to ensure javascript1.2 compatible with Multiple redirect options. Including auto redirect and browser specific redirect. also can be used to redirect any and all links on your page with a redirect funtion call(view page source to see how these are called)


Hierarchical Menu
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This script is exactly identical to the original slide-in menu bar, except that the menu itself is an external HTML file! This allows you to configure the menu simply by editing the external file, through HTML. Demo: Move your mouse over the menu on your left!


Show and hide hierarchical menu ondoubleclick
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This is the first fullfledged hierarchical menu that you can show and hide simply by doubleclicking. Works with IE4x as well as NN4.6x and higher.


Hierarchical Menu 3.0
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

A keyboard-controlled menu bar that slides open/contracts with the press of a key. "x" is the key that will expand the menu, whereas "z" is the key that contracts it. Browsers other than NS 4+ and IE 4+ will simply see nothing. Demo: (Press "x" to expand the menu, "z" to contract it)


Easy menu
Compatibility: Explorer 5.x

right click for the menu left click to hide it (notice that the script also uses conditional comments ... a brand new way of browser scripting)


Menu Generator 2.0
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Advanced Cascading Menus


Hierarchical Table of Contents
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

One of the best scripts helping you add an expandable tree-like Table of Contents to your Web pages. Your Table of Contents can have as many levels of topics and subtopics as you like. Features: customizable icons and colors. Looks resembling WinHelp, File Manager, or Acrobat PDF. You can create your own looks. Optional previous/next navigation functionality; optional background images. Includes HiTOC Wizard that helps you automatically create and edit your Table of Contents. A must-see!


Rollover EarthQuake
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

New rollover effect: just touch a menu-button and the button will start shaking like a tree in a earthquake. Simple. Small. Crowssbrowser.


Dhtml menu collection
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

the menu collection includes absolutely positioned menu, relatively positioned menu, pop-up menu and menu bar, together with a easy menu definition builder


Pure Cool Animating Menu
Compatibility: Explorer 4.x

This DHTML script shows you how to use the new features of Internet Explorer 4.x and higher to create a cool fully animating menu using nothing more than plain Javascript. (Fade in, fade out and moving objects)


Floating top-of-page-button
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Add this simple floating top-of-page-button to your webpage and you can forget all those static top-of-page-links clustering (and ruining) your site.


Redirection by Date
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Are you looking for a script that will redirect your visitors to a certain URL on a certain day of a certain month? Well then you have found it!


Flashlike rollover-animation for all links
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Install this cute little DHTML-rollover-animation and your links will draw more attention. Looks and feels like a flash-animation.


New Drag-And-Drop-Menu
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

This new drag-and-drop-menu can be opened and closed as easy as the drawer for your socks and panties. It uses almost no space and works with IE4x and NN4x. Step-by-step instructions inside the head-zone of the script.


New hierarchical menu:
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

There are lots of hierarchical menus available. Yet none of them is as easy to configure as this one. Setting up this dynamic cross-browser hierarchical menu will take you less than ten minutes. Check it out now.


Vertical Slide-In-Slide-Out-Menu
Compatibility: Explorer 4.x

This elegant menu sticks at the left side of your webpage and consumes almost no space (trick: vertical labeling of the main-topics). Easy to configure. Cross-browser.


Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Top-Slide-Menu is a space-saving slidemenu on the top of your webpage. Just click on a category and the menu item will slide down revealing its mapped submenus. Click on the spot again and the menu item will slide back. As the script is based on simple imagemaps you can design them as you like. Cross-browser.


yx_menu G2
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

Build pulldown menus, menu bars, pop-up menus and floating menus with just ONE core script. If you like my "Menu Kit"(the dhtml menu collection), you will love G2. A must for all dhtml menu fans.


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